
Shooting range-bow and arrow

Shooting range is one of the most popular sport which people loves. Alredy is middle ages people loves various games and relax activities. Is true, in this time in no more time for relax. But people found soma kind games for their benefit. At first people hunded animals for their lovelyhood. It was very important for their family. They hunded mainly bow and arrow, because it was very easy. It is certain they must have had perfect eyes for hunting. They also had obtein for various permits, because even in the middle age people could not do waht they wanted. One of that is, they could hunt outside teritorry of their king and emperor. For penalty could had been death for hunter or soma different. But people loved huntig and wanted to hunt, event if there no animals in their location. And so people come up with games that used the bow and arrow.

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In the beggining it was the small sticks and branches that the people tried shoot anything. With help of strings of grass or piece of animal skin. As time went on, people improved. They were able to improved and work the bow beautifully. Over the years bow and arrow were taken as medieval games. But it was not for just living only! Although it was very inportant for food. But later it was a game a hobbies. Especially man liket this, woman could not shoot. (I know, that ages was terrible:)). Shoting was a great pastime of the rich people and kings. They were for life and death. This game people loved. For example in old Roma was bow a nd arrow very valuable goods. But nowadays it is just a game and fun for free time. I thing it is very good relax after job. But I do not recommend when you are evil or very hungry 🙂 There could be an accident.

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Fortunately I am calm and I have tried to shoot sometimes. And I must say, it is not easy! I also had ten arrows and only two I hit. I had to laugh. But I thint it is because my bad eyes. Belived mě, id I had better eyesight, I would do more bow and arrow. It is very unusual hobby. This time it is possible to shoot not only from bow and arrow, but also pistols. I think it is better for today people, because it is easier. From gun I should not to try shoot. Because I am scared of guns and I have respect. There are many shotting ranges in the Czech Republic, so you can only choose. Good luck 🙂 More